5 steps to guide your potential customers in their buying decision
In the world of modern commerce, guiding your buyers through the purchasing journey requires subtlety, strategy and – super important – a touch of technological knowhow.
In the world of modern commerce, guiding your buyers through the purchasing journey requires subtlety, strategy and – super important – a touch of technological knowhow.
Regardless of whether you’re dealing with B2B bigwigs or B2B buyers, the goal will always be the same: to simplify the buying process and make it easy to get a yes or a contract signed.
And for that, of course, there’s no magic formula. But, although sales is a kind of art, there are a few steps to follow in order to get the path ready to guide your prospect to the buying decision.
Here they are:
1. Get to know your customer
I know, it sounds obvious. But, the obvious also needs to be mentioned.
Before you can convince your prospect to take the action of buying, it’s crucial to understand what they’re looking for. And your product or service is not the answer, the answer is which problem and pain points you’re solving with your solution.
And going deeper than that, behind a decision maker, there’s a person who has feelings, hobbies, habits, education and, for instance, all of this is combined in the decision making process, which 95% is outside of the seller’s influence.
Therefore, take the time to delve into your buyer personas. What are their pain points, what is keeping them awake during the night? Which Social Media are they using, which type of content and topics are they searching and reading?
If you can answer those questions, you have the knowledge to create an approach that will address exactly what they’re needing and speak directly to their concerns.
2. Create amazing content
First of all: What is amazing content? Simple: content capable of answering and solving a problem or pain that your audience has and is researching.
Combining the knowledge you have about your segment, your solution and your audience, you can create different pieces of content in different formats to be displayed in different touch points.
Doing that, you’ll be positioning your company as an authority, staying on the top of mind when it comes to the solution you provide, while you’re creating with your audience a relationship based in empathy and trust, since you understand them and it’s capable of addressing their needs.
3. Map out and facilitate the sales process
A clear, collaborative and intuitive sales process is essential for guiding buyers to purchase efficiently. This is where technology can be a game changer.
Having a good CRM and using a digital sales room solution can help simplify the process, making it easier for all stakeholders involved, as well as facilitating follow-ups.
Having a single place where all parties can work together, with documentation organized and easy to access, can offer a completely different experience for the buyer, and you can get even more out of the tool by using the insights to create patterns and journeys that will help you in the future during different negotiations.
4. Take advantage of social proof and testimonials
Incorporating social proof into the buying journey can significantly influence the decision-making process.
Feature customer testimonials, case studies and user reviews prominently on your platforms. Presenting real examples of satisfied customers and the benefits they have gained can help alleviate any apprehension and establish credibility.
In addition, using industry experts who endorse your product can increase confidence in your business and encourage potential prospects to move forward with the buying decision.
This step can also be combined with content production and case studies can be presented, for instance, in master classes or webinars, where you can in real time interact with your audience and show-case successful stories you have built with clients.
5. Follow up and follow through
The sales process doesn't end when the contract is signed or when you receive your yes. It's also part of the journey to make constant - and strategic - follow-ups to ensure customer satisfaction during and after using your solution.
Regular contact and ongoing support, as well as valuable resources and content on how to get the best out of your solution, show the customer that you are committed to their success.
The truth is that's the key to turning buyers into loyal advocates of your solution and also a way of turning them into repeat customers.
In conclusion, guiding buyers towards a purchase is as much an art as a science. But, by understanding your audience, creating amazing content, facilitating the sales process, proofing your solution plus following up and through, you can make the journey from prospect to customer as smooth as possible.
And with the right tools and technologies at your disposal, you can make the buying journey even easier, as well as taking advantage of the data to create patterns and predictions for future negotiations. So go ahead and lead your buyers down the path to purchase with confidence and authority.
If you want to know more about how to improve and scale your sales and close more deals, check out our LinkedIn for thought-leading insights on the future of B2B sales.