July 23, 2024

Share buyer optimised call summaries enhanced by AI

Making it extremely easy to create and share buyer optimised call summaries for your B2B sales deals.


Sharing a call summary with buyers is a common aspect of a follow-up. The way sales reps share a call summary varies. But ultimately it is key to create takeaways and next steps, so the deal moves forward.

With the evolving capabilities of AI, it has become a sort of standard to implement voice to text technology either through a call recording tool like Zoom or with a specified solution like Gong. With these solutions, calls are recorded, transcribed and summarised automatically, so that sales and customer success teams can use these call recordings for various use cases.

One of the use cases is to share the call recordings with buyers. Either by simply sharing the link to the call recording or by sharing the call recording summary. The challenge in this process is to understand the true value of sharing the information from the call and to highlight what is relevant for the buying stakeholders.

How do you create a call summary?

Call summaries used to be created from partly remembering what has been said on a call and from taking notes during a call. And then, whoever created the call summary would manually write up the text for it. But today, various tools allow this whole process to be automated and optimised. The most efficient way to create call summaries is to use a call recording tool that records, transcribes and automatically summaries the call with AI.

However, to then prepare the call recording or summary, it is advised to tweak and twist it, especially when shared with buyers, so that the content is optimised for whoever is receiving it.

What does a call summary consist of?

A call summary typically includes key details and highlights from a phone call, meeting, or conference. Here are the common elements:

  1. Date and Time: When the call took place.
  2. Participants: Names and roles of the people involved in the call.
  3. Purpose: The main reason for the call or the objectives to be achieved.
  4. Key Points Discussed: Summary of the main topics and points discussed during the call.
  5. Decisions Made: Any decisions or agreements that were reached during the call.
  6. Action Items: Tasks or actions that need to be completed, along with the responsible parties and deadlines.
  7. Follow-up: Any next steps or future meetings scheduled.
  8. Notes: Additional relevant information, observations, or side discussions.

The level of detail can vary depending on the context and purpose of the call.

What about the call summary is important for buyers?

In a B2B sales process, a call summary is crucial for buyers as it ensures clarity, alignment, and follow-up on critical aspects of the sales discussion. Here are the key components that are important for buyers:

  1. Understanding of Needs: The summary should clearly outline the buyer's needs, pain points, and objectives discussed during the call. This ensures that both parties are aligned on what the buyer is looking for.
  2. Product/Service Details: Summarize the features, benefits, and specifications of the product or service discussed. This helps the buyer understand how your offering meets their needs.
  3. Pricing and Terms: Include details about pricing, payment terms, and any discounts or special offers mentioned during the call. This is critical for the buyer's budgeting and decision-making process.
  4. Value Proposition: Highlight the unique value proposition and benefits that your product or service offers to the buyer. This reinforces why they should choose your solution over competitors.
  5. Implementation and Support: Outline the implementation process, timelines, and support offered. Buyers need to know what to expect in terms of onboarding and ongoing support.
  6. Case Studies/References: Mention any relevant case studies, success stories, or references that were discussed. This adds credibility and helps the buyer see how others have benefited from your product or service.
  7. Action Items and Next Steps: Clearly list any action items for both parties, including who is responsible and the deadlines. Also, outline the next steps in the sales process, such as follow-up calls, demos, or trials.
  8. Decision Timeline: If discussed, include the buyer's timeline for making a decision. This helps in planning follow-ups and ensuring timely communication.
  9. Questions and Concerns: Address any questions or concerns raised by the buyer during the call. Providing answers and solutions demonstrates attentiveness and helps build trust.
  10. Contact Information: Ensure that the contact information of key stakeholders is included for easy follow-up and communication.

By focusing on these elements, the call summary becomes a valuable tool for buyers in their decision-making process and helps maintain a clear and professional sales relationship.

How to share call summaries with Along:

Along specialises in optimising the buying relationship through collaboration with Alongspaces and through the understanding of the buying engagement as a result of it.

As content is shared with buyers in Alongspaces in a structured and buyer enabling way, call summaries can also be shared here in seconds.

1. Optimising a call summary in B2B sales so it is buyer optimised with AI

With Along, you are able to process the data easily by adding your demo, qualification or scoping call transcript or summary into an Alongspace that auto-generates a buyer optimised call summary for you. Our AI enhanced Buyer Engagement Platform processes the data based on pre-defined settings to break it down into a beautifully drafted call summary that is specific to your buyers. Your call summaries will be polished automatically over time, the more call summaries you create.

2. Analyse buyer engagement to optimise your call summaries for B2B sales

Every buyer interaction is tracked and visualised on a timeline, so that you can get a deep understanding of the buying journey. Alongspaces function as a deal co-pilot, the engagement summaries and recommendations with the Along brain make it instantly actionable to optimise your call summaries.

3. Create pre-built content in your content library to make the creation of call summaries faster

Use Along to create consistency across your sales process for all reps. Work with pre-built content in your content library to setup sections or actions that allow you to increase efficiency and to make your organisation more scalable.

Are you interested to find out more?

See how OMR Reviews increased their win rates by 24% since using Along.

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